1220 Availability and Confidentiality of Information

1221 Confidentiality of Information Concerning Applicants or Recipients - Information concerning applicants or recipients (present and past) is confidential and may not be disclosed to another agency employee, the client, or any other non agency personnel except as set forth in this section.

Information concerning clients or providers who have been referred for investigation is confidential and may not be released unless the Fraud Unit or the prosecuting attorney to whom the case has been referred for legal action authorizes such disclosure.


1222 Disclosure of Confidential Information - The agency may disclose confidential information when the purpose of such disclosure is directly related to: (1) the administration of the medical program; (2) an investigation, prosecution, or criminal or civil proceeding conducted in connection with the administration of the medical program or the SSI program; or (3) the administration of any federal or federally assisted program which provides assistance (in cash or in kind) or services directly to individuals on the basis of need. For exceptions see 1225 and 1226.

Throughout this material related to confidentiality of case records, the term agency employee includes contracted employees (e.g., KanCare Clearinghouse and MMIS fiscal agent staff).


1223 Nature of Information to be Safeguarded - The confidential nature of the following information must be safeguarded:


  1. Information contained in applications, reports of investigations, reports of medical examinations, correspondence, and other records concerning the condition or circumstances of any person for whom or about whom information is obtained, and including all such information whether or not it is recorded; and

  2. Records of agency evaluations of such information. General information, not identified with particular individuals, such as total expenditures made, number of recipients, and other statistical information and social data contained in general studies, reports, or surveys of welfare problems, does not fall within the class of material to be safeguarded.