1224 Disclosure of Information to Client - Information entered in the case record is to be made available to the client upon request, for inspection at a time mutually agreeable to the agency and the client, except as set forth below.


   1224.1  Reserved


1224.2 Medical and Psychiatric Reports - Medical and psychiatric reports are not to be made available to the client unless signed, written consent is obtained from the medical practitioner who rendered such report.


1224.3 Names and Addresses of Complainants - The names and addresses of complainants are not to be made available to the client.


1224.4 Investigative Reports - Investigative reports concerning welfare fraud or other types of overpayments are not to be made available to the client during the course of the investigation or during the time period in which the case has been referred for legal action unless the Fraud Unit, Legal Division or the prosecuting attorney to whom the case has been referred for legal action authorizes such disclosure.


NOTE: With the exception of 1224.3, all documents and records to be used by the agency at a fair hearing are to be made available, upon request, to the appellant or his representative for inspection and/or copying at a reasonable time mutually agreeable to the agency and the client or his representative prior to the date of the hearing.


1225 Disclosure of Information to Agency Personnel - Information is not to be disclosed to another agency employee unless the employee has a need for the information in the performance of his official duties. The client's signature on the application form authorizes the disclosure of information to other agency personnel if the purpose of such disclosure is connected with the administration of the medical assistance programs.