9120 Household Responsibility for Reporting Changes After Approval -

Medical assistance households are required to report certain changes in circumstances.  Section 9121 describes the 10 day change reporting requirement.  All households are to be notified of the appropriate reporting requirements upon approval for benefits. Staff are to utilize the appropriate informational notice(s).



9121 Households Responsibility to Change Report -  Households are required to report certain changes in circumstances within 10 days of the date the change becomes known to the household. See subsection (2) below.  Households may report a change in their circumstances by telephone, in person, in writing, or by use of the change report form.  Changes which are not required to be reported need not be reported until the next review.


1.  The following are the types of changes that are required to be reported for each category of assistance:

  Caretaker Medical, Medically Needy, CI program recipients:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
  Change in the source of income (earned and unearned).

  Change in the amount of income (earned and unearned).

  Change in household compostion, including marriage, separation or divorce.

  Change in residence, including moving to or from an instituion or hospital.

  Resources reach or exceed the applicable resource limit.

  Entitlement to or termination of Medicare coverage.

  Change in any third party health insurance coverage.

  Decrease in health insurance premium amount.

  Transfer of resources.

  Loss of SSA disability status (MS only).  


          b.  SSI program recipients: 

  SSI paynents begin or end.

  Change in residence, including moving to or from an instituion or hospital.

  Entitlement to or termination of Medicare coverage.

  Change in any third party health insurance coverage.

  Transfer of resources.

  Loss of SSA disability status.



2.  For purposes of this provision, the term "becomes known to the household" is defined as the following: 

  Change in the source or amount of earned income - Receipt of the first pay check.

  Change in the source or amount of unearned income - Receipt of first payment.

  Change in household composition - Day the person enters or leaves the residence, day of marriage, separation, or divorce.

  Change in residence - Day of the move.

  Resources reach or exceed to applicable limit - The last day of the month in which resources exceed the limit.

  Entitlement to or termination of Medicare coverage - The effective date of the change.

  Change in any third party health insurance coverage - The effective date of the change.

  Decrease in health insurance premium amount - The effective date of the change.

  Transfer of resources - The effective date of the change.

  Loss of SSA disability status - The effective date of the change.