5500 - Vehicles


This section outlines policies for vehicle exemptions for all programs. The policies outlined below were adopted to assist individuals to seek and maintain employment or to obtain necessary medical care.


Leased vehicles are not considered a countable resource.


Exemptions involving licensed vehicles also include unlicensed vehicles driven by tribal members on Indian reservations not requiring vehicle licensing.

5510 Reserved


5520 Vehicle Exemptions - One motor vehicle (owned or being purchased) per assistance family group is exempt if the primary purpose of the vehicle is to serve the needs of the assistance family group. The vehicle is not exempt if someone outside of the assistance family group has the primary use, enjoyment and possession of the vehicle. Additional vehicle(s) may be exempt if:


  1. the vehicle is shown to be used over 50% of the time for employment or self-employment;

  2. the vehicle is used as the family's home;

  3. the vehicle is needed for medical treatment of a specific medical problem; or

  4. the vehicle is specially equipped for use by a handicapped person.


5521 How to Determine Resource Value of Nonexempt Vehicles  - To determine the resource value of nonexempt motor vehicles, the total equity of any nonexempt vehicle shall be considered based on the average trade-in value in the Kelley Blue Book (or other source approved by KDHE-DHCF Policy) less any amounts owed on the vehicle. Instruction for use of the online Kelley Blue Book is contained in item P-4 of Appendix- Eligibility Processing.

 For consistency in determining the trade-in value through the Kelley Blue Book, mileage shall be calculated by a standard formula of multiplying the age of the vehicle times 15,000 miles per year. “Fair” shall always be used for the vehicle condition and no equipment features should be selected. Instead of using the Kelley Blue Book value, a standard value of $100 shall be assigned to any vehicle more than 7 years old.


If there is a difference of opinion regarding the value of the vehicle, by either the agency or the applicant, an estimate from a reputable car dealer shall be used. The agency is responsible for the cost of the estimate, if any. Equity is calculated by the sale value less any amounts owed on the vehicle, based on the month of the eligibility determination (using the Kelley Blue Book for that month when available). The equity value shall be applied to available resources.


The case file should contain a screen print of the Kelley Blue Book information in situations where the resource value of nonexempt vehicles results in ineligibility.