1700 -  General Information about other programs and miscellaneous

1710 Case Records  -  Case records are required for all assistance cases and are to be separate from social service records. The eligibility record shall include required forms to establish eligibility for assistance and additional information and decisions reached regarding eligibility, the type of assistance, notices to the client, and authorization forms.


The case record includes all information about all individuals on a case. The case record is comprised of three (3) main components: 1) All medical information input into KEES, including specified person-level information which may be accessed across medical cases,  2) The medical eligibility record held on KEES,  and 3) medical information and documentation in the case file.


The eligibility record also includes output of KEES which is transferred to the MMIS for claims payment and MCO assignment. All data input into KEES is a part of the eligibility and case record.


The case file is the collection of medical documents that support the information contained in the state eligibility system as well as all other medical documentation that relates to the case. Any information received, in any format, in relation to a case must be in the case file. The case file contains all documentation supporting case processing activities.  This includes, but is not limited to, application forms, income verification and worksheets, correspondence, legal documents, requests for case maintenance, a log of case actions and customer contacts, and previous eligibility information for the members of the household.




1710.1 Order of Material  - For the purpose of uniformity and convenience in use, the material contained in an electronic storage system is presented in chronological order.  Staff are responsible for ensuring all documents are indexed correctly according to the KEES User Manual.


1710.2 Correspondence - Correspondence plays an important part in the functioning of the program and for this reason much care is needed in planning correspondence. Notices affecting the eligibility shall become a permanent part of the agency's record and are captured by the eligibility system and/or imagining system.


1.  Content of Notices - All notices should contain sufficient information to make clear their purpose, the information desired, and how the information is to be used. The wording should be clear, direct, and adequate to cover the subject. Care should be taken to avoid misunderstanding or misinterpretation.


 2.  Scanning - Letters (including the envelope) from clients are to be scanned and retained in the case file.  Newspaper clippings, and other material relevant to the case should also be properly identified, dated, and scanned into the case record.


1711 Disposition of Obsolete Case Record Material - Destroy any material which is older than 36 months and is not currently in effect on active cases with the following exceptions:

      1. The last application which opened the case;
      2. For AABD cases converted to SSI (whether open for medical or not), the application and budget in effect for December 1973 must be retained indefinitely;
      3. Retain indefinitely all documentation needed to establish current eligibility and payment such as the number of months on assistance, transfer of property penalties, division of assets, etc.
      4. Retain indefinitely the screen print of SSDO and copies of all documents used for enumeration purposes.
      5. Retain indefinitely all material pertaining to unrecovered overpayments, including all documentation for the amount and cause of the overpayment.


   6.  Retain indefinitely all material pertaining to verification of the immigration status of aliens.


    7.  Retain indefinitely all materials pertaining to documentation of common-law marriage or paternity.


    8.  Retain documentation of any disability decision made by DDS through the next scheduled DDS review.


    9.  Retain indefinitely all documents used to verify citizenship and identify of the individual.


    10. Retain for 60 days hard copy of documents that have been scanned into the electronic storage system.


Material in closed cases may be removed after they have been closed for 36 months except for (1) all material pertaining to unrecovered overpayments, and (2) cases that have a designated period of ineligibility which exceeds the retention period (e.g., transfer of property penalty).



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